Tamta Paichadze
Specialization: CivilService area: Civil Law
Address: Tbilisi, T. Nadareishvili Str. N8a
Phone: 598556731
Languages: Georgian, English, Russian
Email: t.paichadze@yahoo.com
About Lawyer:
I have a Master's degree in International Business Law (Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, GIPA). Currently I am a PhD student at Caucasus University (CSL),in law school in the field of civil law. From 2010 to present I have working experience as a lawyer in various private and public institutions. Since 2013 have a practice as the advocate in the following fields of law: Civil Law, Business Law, Labor Law, Administrative Law and Electoral Law. I have lecturer experience since 2011. I can provide legal services to legal entities and individuals in the above mentioned areas in Georgian, English and Russian languages.
პროფილში განთავსებული ინფორმაციის სიზუსტეზე პასუხისმგებელია პროფილის შემქმნელი ადვოკატი